

Summersong, a ravaged settlement towards the Hinterlands. A beautiful place in its golden ears, peaceful, calm and free. But, in these lands, calm places are unwelcome. Whether by faith or fervor it became the target of the Dark Serpent. A destructive force that resides on the mountains. Crushed within seconds, I was placed on the Flowing River by my parents, before they were devoured too.

Now I roam aimlessly, working as a bounty hunter pays well but I know my destiny. Vengeance will be accomplished.

My first gift from faith came from the Warden, although his death pained me it gave my my first launch towards my goal to defeat the Dark One. Hunted by the beasts of the forest, he was wounded and dying. I swore I’d kill the beasts that wronged him.

“Defeat them for me…”, his eyes faded away, looking as they always do towards the north. The Warden’s sword is placed on his chest and a salute is said to him. I swore to avenge his death, by defeating the Firstborn that wronged him. The Varou or at least the Gluttonous Varou, brutal beasts that group in territories that they claim with brute force.

I had work to do, but I’ve always respected the Wardens. A vow sworn to them must be fulfilled for my honor. I ventured towards the Varou and finished off the leader. It was a simple task. Brutal beasts seldom think in their fights. With the end of the leader the clan dispersed.

A dark ouroborus was seen in their structures, it was enough to show their allegiance to the Dark One. A lead, one I have been craving for a while. Satisfied with my work I ventured on, to Owl’s keep. My first way point towards my final goal.