
Welcome to my RPG adventures

Here I blog out my adventures, both for reference

and as a way to remember my past journeys.

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Redcrest -10

“So..you’re going to Redcrest?”, Rayla asked. “Yes, it was the closest settlement from where I was previously and also the most likely to accept my proposal. We should be getting there soon, it was in this direction and it isn’t that far.” “That’s good, I wanna stop somewhere, where better to stop than our destination,…

Cavern – 09

It’s been a few more days, I’ve been feeling more stronger since Rayla’s been giving me extra food, at the pretext of me being a human. I didn’t argue of course. One day, she dropped a bag, my bag in front of me. Then proceeded to free me from my chains. “It’s time to leave,…

The Cavern – 08

It’s been…what, nine days? It’s hard to keep track of time, when you can barely see your hands. The only times light has hit my face is when Radka comes here. It’s either him or one of the other talking varou, Rayla. For all I know, it could have two weeks since I’ve been here,…

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