
Redcrest -10

“’re going to Redcrest?”, Rayla asked. “Yes, it was the closest settlement from where I was previously and also the most likely to accept my proposal. We should be getting there soon, it was in this direction and it isn’t that far.” “That’s good, I wanna stop somewhere, where better to stop than our destination, eh?”

“Wait, Rayla. You being a Varou and all. How do you think they’d treat you?” “I don’t know and that is something I’m afraid of, hopefully they won’t check too much, and I will be staying in my human form most of the time, so it’s unlikely they’ll notice.” I was still a bit worried, but figured she knew what she was doing and continued on.

Soon enough we see the tips of towers and a sign titled, “Redcrest” At least now I see why it’s called that. The area around it is rich with red and yellow soil, and plateaus tower behind the town. I stared with awe. It was magnificent. Many of the buildings in the area were made with a red sandstone, carved beautifully. A stark contrast from Owl’s keep, even if we hadn’t moved that far.

But outer beauty is one thing, the people…well let’s see how they are. We moved on towards the town, and entering through the gates (strangely no guards) immediately we could notice the sour faces of the people within. Many having slightly greenish faces, some with ugly warts and some that just look like they’re having a rough time. I decide to ask one of them about why everyone seemed down. “A disease, it’s spread everywhere.” He says, immediately covering his nose, when he sees me come close. Rayla pulls out a handkerchief of sorts (more like a rag really) and covers her mouth and face. “Get out, before you get it too.” Now I wasn’t about to leave so soon. I couldn’t go back to Owl’s keep empty-handed, I might not even go back, but still to see where to go next, I needed the help of this town.

I could feel it coming, an urge to stop this illness, but I didn’t want to be rash. I didn’t know anything about what was going on, or anything about the illness itself…

End of Chapter Two – Leave from the Owl’s Keep


Cavern – 09

It’s been a few more days, I’ve been feeling more stronger since Rayla’s been giving me extra food, at the pretext of me being a human. I didn’t argue of course. One day, she dropped a bag, my bag in front of me. Then proceeded to free me from my chains. “It’s time to leave, they’ll kill you today and we best escape quickly, hopefully the food I’ve given you has made you strong.” I nodded in agreement. I expected this, but I still had a small residue of surprise. Teaming up with a Varou, who’d have thought that’d happen. I picked up my bag and she handed me my sword, I immediately felt better holding it in my hand. “Time to make our escape from this outpost.” I nodded, getting ready.

We marched through the maze like cavern and opened up to a clearing. We were in stealth but it didn’t seem like there were any Varou in sight. I took this time to Resupply, unfortunately enough, we found absolutely nothing except a few dry bushes. Possibly the Varou have sucked this area of its resources. We couldn’t possibly get out through the deep forests, but Rayla knew of a path we could take, albeit dangerous, was far less dangerous than the Deep Forest.

As we sneak forward we reach a tent, this one far bigger and larger than the rest that we could see. Rayla immediately pulled me down saying this was one of the command centers of the outpost, I gave her a glare for leading us here, but she just shrugged saying that she had warned me of the danger. As quietly and carefully as we possibly could, we managed to get out of the center’s vicinity and found a path, but instead of following it Rayla pulled me into a thick shrub-filled area. There she revealed a hidden path. “This path is usually taken for emergency exits and such, there’s a very low chance anybody would be on the path. Maybe there will be a few guards at the exit, but I’m sure we could take them.”

We move forward, we didn’t have to sneak forward according to Rayla. She was confident there wouldn’t be anyone around. A few steps forward and we here a large grunt, we turn to our right and see a huge Varou standing in wolf form. Varou can be in human or wolf form although they are usually wolf. Rayla was in the human form, but all Varou are visibly large and unusual in human form. The Varou started running straight toward us, it held up a bow and cocked an arrow. We broke out into a sprint running straight towards the exit.

After a tense rush through bushes, leaves and sharp branches we manage to lose him. Rayla panting lets out a quiet shout of excitement. I glare at her again but she just smiles. We carry on forward and after about an hour of trekking, we reach the exit. It was guarded as Rayla expected and we re entered “stealth mode”. We needed a distraction, so Rayla pulled out a bow and arrow and shot a passing boar, which let out a loud enough squeal that alerted the guards. That was enough for me pull Rayla towards the exit.

We were out.

After we were out of earshot, Rayla let out another whoop of excitement. This time I asked, why she was this happy. I mean being a Varou she should have a lot of excitement, right? She says, “Sorry, I’m actually a low-rank soldier in this particular clan. They’re very strict, and me being a woman, I wasn’t let out of the clan (for stupid traditional purposes). I wanted to leave but my stupid brother wouldn’t let me. Seeing them bring you in, I figured you were my ticket out…I envy you humans, you are free to do what you wish. Even in towns where there are laws, you enjoy a freedom that we can not dream to accomplish. I want to become human, or at least how much ever human I can be. It’s why I tend to stay in human form.”

I listened and replied, “Why not come with me? Maybe we could find a way to make you human? I’m on a quest, a vow to destroy the Dark One and for that I’m on a run to make an army, but meeting the villages of the Ironlands.” Her eyes widened, “You….you want to defeat the Dark One?” “I’m not asking you to join me in the fight, although the help would be appreciated. All I’m saying is…a little company is appreciated.” She smiles, “I don’t know about fighting the Dark One, but if it’s company an a traveling mate you want, I’m in.” I smiled. I was truly grateful to her, without her who knows if I’d be alive now. I let out a sigh and turned south, it’s time to continue my journey to Redcrest, this time with a friend.


The Cavern – 08

It’s been…what, nine days? It’s hard to keep track of time, when you can barely see your hands. The only times light has hit my face is when Radka comes here. It’s either him or one of the other talking varou, Rayla. For all I know, it could have two weeks since I’ve been here, or even just a few days.

Rayla is Radka’s sister. She seems much more fiercer than her sibling, but is eerily nice to me. I can hear her rip out her vocal chords at Radka, while talking with me as if I’m a close friend. I am suspicious of her, but at least it’s welcome. Her sweet-talking is a much better sound than Radka’s screeches.

I’ve been trying to track the warden’s schedules, trying to find a way to escape. Rayla and Radka alternate their check-ins on me. And they come around once every two days, if my time-keeping is correct. Which means I’m sure to have an entire day completely alone, to do…something. I guess that’s what I have to figure out. I’ve been trying to pull at the Dark iron chains, they don’t budge but hopefully they weaken. Since Rayla seems nicer and less…sadistic, I’ve tried to talk to her a lot too, unless she’s trying to give me a false sense of hope and safety, she could be wanting to free me. Why? I do not know.

The next day…

Rayla’s here. She brings me more food than Radka, which is much appreciated. She says, “Hey, wake up now, it’s food time.” She drops the plate on to the floor, and I eat with my mouth, not being able to use my hands, with them chained. I felt like asking why she was so nice to me. It sounded stupid in my head, but I’m a prisoner, what could be worse. “Hey Rayla, why do you give me extra food?” “No reason, figured it’d be good for you.” “Yeah but aren’t I a prisoner? Why would you care?” “You’re human aren’t you? That’s why.”

I was confused by this, so decided to just continue eating in silence…maybe she does want to help me. The odds surely point there…


Redcrest – 07

After resting at the shade of Daveza for a few hours I decided to continue my journey. I didn’t need the rest, after all the journey to Redcrest would be short, I don’t need to sleep during the nights and can manage to get there in one stretch. Redcrest worried me slightly, primarily because I didn’t know anything about it. But, hey, we travel to learn and experience.

Undertake a Journey (4, 6 / 4) Miss. Dammit. Have to Pay the Price.

Darkness….my head hurts. My eyes feel groggy as I slowly open them and look around. I seem to be in some sort of a cage. Smell of waste, decay and filth fills my nose. I feel like I’m underground. I try to move my arms and legs to no avail. They’re chained to the floor. Dark Iron. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else around. Turning my head sharpens the pain in the back of my skull. I crumble on to the floor. What the hell is going on? There’s such a low amount of light. Pulling at the chains is useless. I don’t have my sword or anything that I held before.

…Footsteps. They grow louder to my right, I can barely move my head but I have to see. A burly man. He wears dark clothes. I can’t see much else with the pure lack of light. “Ah, I see you’re awake!”, I strain my head upto him and try to make out his face, to no avail. “What the hell is this place?”, the man laughs, “A simple cage to hold wild animals. Probably should introduce myself. I am Radka.” A slurp. The sound made me shiver. The man seemed too tall to be…human. A giant? No, can’t be. What is he? He speaks, “No need to worry, we won’t kill you yet. I just wanted to check on you. I heard you wiped out one of our outposts. You look too weak to do that, but I won’t underestimate you.”

Wiping out an outpost…what did he mean? Unless, he’s a Varou. But that can’t be. Varou are almost incapable of human speech. They are brutish animals. How is he…? “You are a Varou, worse, a Gluttonous one?” He smirks, “Perceptive aren’t you? Yes. I’m sorry to keep you here, but I’m afraid we aren’t ready to kill you. So you’ll have to lay here for now. I’m sure you will enjoy it.” He walks away, laughing as he goes.

I can’t die here, but I feel helpless. I don’t know what I could do. There is nothing, the chains are made of dark iron. Dark Iron. It’s almost unbreakable. And this suffocating darkness. It makes me dizzy. That guy, Radka, doesn’t seem like the negotiating type. Please, God, if you exist, I don’t want to die here…


Leave – 06

“Well, there are two settlements close to Owl’s Keep. One, a large kingdom, Damula. You have little hope of persuading them to join your cause in your condition. The other, a smaller kingdom, bigger than Owl’s Keep, Redcrest. Known for its dark reddish soil. They might be a bit more willing to join your cause, considering their history…” Kimura sighed. “I’m guessing you do not know of it. Their settlement was ravaged 3 times by Dark Forces. It was a massacre. Some say the soil is tainted by the blood of the innocents, which is what makes their red color.” I shuddered, 3 attacks and they were still standing. They sound like tough people, best I go to them, considering they are the more willing of the two options. “Do you have a map or a guide to take me to Redcrest?” I requested. “I do have a map, hopefully it’ll come to use. It’s slightly outdated, but I doubt it’s too different from the land’s current state…” “Do you have any connections with Redcrest?” “We do, we have trade connections with them. We are on very friendly terms and so, I’d suggest you go there instead of Damula.”

I had packed my bags, got hold of the map, and gotten ready. I expressed my gratitude to Kimura and took my leave.

Forging a bond with Owl’s Keep. (5, 6 / 7) Strong hit. +2 momentum. Forging a Bond with Kimura himself too. (2, 6 / 8) Strong hit. +2 Momentum.

Undertake a Journey (troublesome) (3, 10 / 8) Weak hit. -1 supply (3) Marked progress. Waypoint.

My journey continues onwards. Soon in the horizon I see the ruins of an ancient monument. I had learned about this as a child in Summersong. Daveza. A monument build by giants, toppled by age. Not too important for my quest but it’s a history’s greatest achievements in architecture. The Giant clan that built died long ago. Not even their ashes remain.


Owl’s Keep – 05

It’s time. A petty vow, made just for popularity, but it’s a vow nonetheless. Best keep it. I had gathered everything. As I thought there were no runic chalk here in the Owl’s Keep, so I had to make do with fuel, and spark rocks. My job was simple, get to the location, either try to pinpoint the location of the nest or just set fire to the general surroundings, and extinguish the flames if they get too ruly. Had some water for that carried by my trusty companion…Bob. Well, not too trusty, just one of the farmers who were “brave” enough to venture out with me.

I make my way to the site. Same as last time, but with the pile of charred rat corpses still lying in the moonlight. I told Bob to set down the water and help with placing the fuel around the place.

Counting this as a Scene Challenge (troublesome). Starting off with a Secure an Advantage to find the location of the nest. (2, 6 / 5) Weak hit. Advantage is short-lived. +1 Momentum

We spend a few minutes searching, and find a mound of dirt with a hole, marking the location of the nest. Unfortunately, it was close to the woods, meaning we’d have to be very careful with the fire to avoid burning down the whole forest. Time to apply the oil…

Face Danger (2, 9 / 4) Weak hit. -1 Supply. Minor setback, marking progress on challenge and marking countdown.

Aaaand we ran out of oil. We only had enough to cover a minor radius around the nest, meaning some of them might be able to escape, which would lead to a fight. Which I wasn’t looking forward to… I guess there isn’t much we can do. We get in our positions and prepare to set fire to the oil.

Face Danger (1, 6 / 10) STRONG HIT. Perfect. Marking progress on challenge. Considering it’s a strong hit, I’ll say none of the rats could escape and the nest was finished. Resolving scene (1, 5 / 6) Another strong hit. The job is done. Marking progress on vow.

It’s done. We even managed to put out the fire before it killed the forest. With a much better spirit, we returned back to Owl’s Keep. The townspeople were ecstatic. Honestly, a bit too happy, if you ask me. But I didn’t care, I had made an ally.

Fulfilling Vow (1, 5 / 8) Strong hit. Marking 2 experience. Upto four now.

The next day was great. I didn’t have to pay the rent, the inn let me have two free nights for stopping the menace. Considering I didn’t have much to do and was planning to leave tomorrow, I didn’t mind too much. I spent the rest of the day training. My sword fighting could take more work.

Advancing, spending two experience to upgrade my swordmaster asset.

To tomorrow, for now. Owl’s keep was nice, and I’ve made an ally. Wonder where I’ll go next… and wonder if they’ll be friends or enemies.

End of Chapter One – Owl’s Keep


Owl’s Keep – 04

I slept through the night in the evening. I was exhausted. I woke up the next day at noon! Groaning, I dragged my poor stretched body out of the bed. Today was going to be a busy day.

I had lunch in the Inn’s diner and went to the market to refill on supplies (+2 supply). I went back home and spent some time carving in new runes into my sword. This sword was my most treasured possession, swords are a rarity here and this was gifted to me by Kyra, my trainer. She had taught me how to draw runes on the blade to strengthen them, although I was never good with magic. I managed to craft in a half-decent fire rune by evening.

A knock on the door and a shout from a guard called me over to the head tower. I was excited, this was potential information about the Varou. I was greeted by Kimura and was made to sit down. I wasn’t escorted by guards this time, which was probably a good sign. “I have checked with my diary and the records made by our soldiers. When they had attacked, we had found a letter in the leader’s possession. The leader of the Varou, that is. The letter stated the need of the Dark One for more followers. You might now know this, but the Dark Serpent gains power from cultists and mislead souls that worship him. Either the amount has decreased or the Dark One is getting greedy but the Varou are helping gain more followers. This is why they have been attacking settlements. As far as I know the Varou are the only supplier of cultists the Dark One has. Now, I have some personal advice. From what I know of you, you seek vengeance upon the Dark One. You won’t be able to do that alone. Considering to stop him, you’ll need to destroy the Varou and the Dark One? Yeah, you will be dead before you can even look at the Serpent’s Power. You’ll need to gather help from villages and towns. For now, you have Owl’s Keep’s support but not the Owl’s Keep’s people’s support. I suggest that as a good first step…”

I took some time to process this information. Of course, I knew I couldn’t defeat the Dark One alone, but I never really thought about it. I needed to gather up support from various settlements. This was going to be tough. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but you seem like a strong and respectable man, why do you choose to lead such a small town.” Kimura looks away, sighing he says, “It’s a long story Avenger of Summersong. Maybe one day, I will tell you.” I was slightly caught off guard by the title with which he had just called me. Avenger of Summersong. I’m not complaining.

Getting out of the Head tower filled me with a new confidence. I had a plan, albeit one with many holes, but a plan nonetheless. I need to find support, stop the Varou, stop the Dark One’s followers to weaken him and then do the deed. A chill ran through my spine.

But, first Owl’s Keep. My vow to stop the rat infestation was the best way I could see to garner people’s support. The people here seemed really distraught about this issue. As I think this through, I hear shouting. The man I had talked to yesterday was running upto me, screaming about rats. I rushed to the scene. The rats had already eaten an entire hay bale, and were now leaving a barn. I decided to follow them. I kept discreet, seeking to find their nest, and burn it when I get the chance.

Secure an advantage (3, 6 / 6) My advantage is short lived, maybe the rat pack was slowing down, showing signs that they were nearing their nest, when I stepped on a twig. Attack. Counting this as progress on my vow, since I know the general location of their nest.

As I follow them through the plains surrounding Owl’s Keep, their travel seemed to slow down. It seemed like a sign that they were nearing the nest. The triumph distracted me and I accidentally stepped on a twig left on the ground. I looked up and saw the rats all turn their heads towards me. Great.

Enter the Fray Dangerous (7, 9 / 5) Miss, they have initiative. Paying the price, I say I get surrounded by them and get attacked. Enduring 1 harm. (3, 4 / 8) Strong hit. +1 momentum

They immediately swarm around me before I have a chance to react, and they begin biting me, Pain strikes my leg and I kick them off and stand back. I figured the best thing to do for me is to try and bring them together and incinerate them. (Thank god I remembered to draw those fire runes.)

Secure an Advantage (5, 6 / 7) Strong hit. I have initiative and I will strike with a +1. I activate the runes I had carved in the morning. Strike (3, 4 / 9) Strong hit. Inflicting 3 harm. I retain initiative.

I whip my blade out around the rats and walk backwards to draw them together, when I got the chance I activated the runes. The chalk markings on the blade glow with an intense orange light as the blade gets enveloped with bright hot flames. I strike hard on the rats, flames envelop them, and they never had a chance.

Ending the Fight (3, 10 / 6) Weak hit. I lose the runes, because of just bad luck. My bad runesmanship caused them to decay faster than usual. Curses. Marking progress on vow.

My triumph cuts short as I hear a crack and the white chalk markings melt away. Dammit. That was my last bit of runic chalk. I won’t be able to get more in Owl’s Keep. It’s going to be some time before I can do my fire trick again…


Owl’s Keep – 03

Have just reached and I am already called upon by the authorities. On my way to what they call the head tower, home to the elder of the village, Kimura.

The tower is clearly more polished than the other buildings nearby, banners with the insignia of an Owl hangs over the four cardinal walls. For a small town, they show sovereignty. Entering in I am asked to go up a spiral stairway escorted by two guards holding spears. At the top, I reach a large circular room, in the center sits a man cross-legged on a pillow. He is old but strong, maybe around 50-60 years old, and he gazes at me as I enter.

I sit down on the floor next to him. He says, “So what brings you here to Owl’s Keep?” His voice is soft but stern, a very respectable figure. I reply, “I am merely seeking information about the Gluttonous Varou” My voice seemed a small insect next to him. Something in the back of my brain wondered on how such a respectable figure only leads a small town like Owl’s Keep? Personal likes? A Political problem? Before I could think more, he questions me. “And why?” I had prepared for this, as I’ve said, the Dark One and the Gluttons are not subjects of open discussion.

I cleared my throat and went on, “Before I answer, I need to know, you have defended yourself against them successfully once right?” “Correct.” I asked him if he had seen a symbol, an emblem or an insignia of sorts. “I have, but why should I disclose that?” “I can only disclose my reasons of visit, if you please tell me this.”

Compel (1, 10 / 5). Weak hit. Don’t see what they could ask for me right now, so went for an Action and a Theme from the Oracle…Begin Poverty. Maybe he asks if I had utterly punished the Varou?

“Before I tell you, ” he says, “tell me this, have you ever fought the Varou?” I nod. “And did you punish them for it?” I nod, more confidently now, remembering what I did when I destroyed their camp. He seems convinced sit back and says, “I saw an ouroboros, representing the eternal destruction by the Dark One.” I was happy, maybe they knew something, I say, “That is why I am here. I represent the town of Summersong, ravaged by the Dark One. Upon hearing a potential connection between the Gluttons and the Dark One, I came here to seek information.” He replies, “I see, I haven’t heard of any Summersong, but your words seem true enough. For now, stay and rest, you have come a long way. We will bring information to you later.”

I am reluctant to stay here, but I was weary and decide its best if I stay here. But, I didn’t want to just stay around I could try helping the people here?…

Sojourn (2, 9 / 4) Weak hit. I choose to Provide Aid, to the people of Owl’s Keep. Asking the Oracle for a settlement trouble. Vermin Infestation. (can add +1 to swearing an iron vow)

Asking around, I hear there have been troubles of rat infestations around the buildings near the outskirts of the town. Usually not a problem but these are marsh rats, probably coming from a nearby swamp. In packs these violent creatures could kill a horse and finish it in an hour. I figured I might need to increase my renown here, in case that affects the amount of information Kimura gives me. I decide to swear…I might regret this.

Swearing an Iron Vow (7, 7 / 6) Great, off to a great start. -2 momentum – 2 -> 0.

Just as I’m done swearing I hear a villager saying, “But, there isn’t a swamp anywhere nearby!” And I stumbled. This was impossible, marsh rats come from swamps, if there isn’t a swamp, where the hell is it coming from. I turn around ask if he’s sure and the nod said it all. But I can’t forsake this vow, I’m trying to get the people’s confidence. Sighing, I shake my head, and tell them, “Fine, I’ll figure something out.”

“Well, if you need my help, I have to ask something from you. I need you to alert me when you see a pack of marsh rats.” They nod, they seem to view this as a genuine problem, I wonder why Kimura hasn’t done anything about it. He probably has his hands full.

What I need to do now is, wait for the information from Kimura, either find a swamp (unlikely) or wait for a pack of rats to pop up and maybe follow them to their nest and destroy it. Hopefully, that will be enough. I decide to call it a day and go to a nearby inn and fall asleep.


Owl’s Keep – 02

After that brief encounter, my energy had diminished greatly. I decided to do another burst of walking before making camp for the night. Hopefully, I could find a good place to rest. With some water too hopefully.

Undertake a Journey (3, 1 / 6) Strong hit. Marking Progress. Stopping near a stream. Making Camp.

Make Camp (1, 10 / 9) Weak hit. As always. Choosing to Prepare allowing me to add 1 when Undertaking a Journey.

After about an hour of walking I spot towards the north a bubbling stream flowing through the forest. I was overjoyed, after being stolen from by bandits and having to fight a cave lion, this was a welcome surprise! I immediately gathered down, rested, and prepared my next paths. If what I had heard was right, then I’m very close to Owl’s Keep, a bit more walking and I could reach there soon, but for now…sleep.

I had a peaceful sleep, no nightmares of any sort. Lately since the Varou battle I had been having nightmares of hordes of Varou tearing through Summersong. My home being torn down broke me. Thankfully whatever magic this Stream had, it calmed me.

Undertake A Journey (5, 10 / 7) Weak hit. Marking Progress, -1 supply. I’m gonna say I reach my destination. 9 Progress boxes marked.

Reach your Destination (3, 3 / 9) Strong hit! Great! Off to a good start once I’ve reached Owl’s Keep. I’m saying this means they know at least something about the connection between the Varou and the Dark One. Choosing to Gather Information at a +1.

After waking up, my mind screamed at the thought of more walking. I remembered when leaving my makeshift shelter back away at my torn down home, I had thought I would like the idea of traveling, but really anything related to walking sounded terrible to me.

But my hard work thankfully payed off (I hope), Soon, I saw the tips of homes and a small town poked out of the horizon. The arch titled “Owl’s Keep” welcomed me. I had finally reached. Now, to business. I didn’t come here to enjoy, sure the travel was rough, but I need to gather information, that’s what I’m here for.

Gather Information (9, 10 / 6) Miss. Damn! Even with that +1. I’m going to say my investigations arouse suspicion, and I’m called upon by the authorities. This is rough. But I’ll say Cera isn’t sent down yet, for now he thinks it’s right for them to feel suspicious, hope this doesn’t go south. Either way, reaching Owl’s Keep sounds like a good enough milestone, marking progress on my vow to find out about the connection between the Varou and the Dark Serpent.

Rough times, I have just arrived and my spontaneous and frenzied questioning drew me into trouble with the town. Although, honestly it’s right for them to feel suspicious, people don’t really like talking about the Dark One, especially this open. But I’m sure they’ll be on my side…


Owl’s Keep – 01

The plains looked peaceful. Soft, lush grass spread indefinitely throughout the land. I had been traveling to Owl’s keep for a day now, and knew I was at least relatively close. The only reason I even want to go to a place this far away from my usual working area was because I had heard that they had recently fended off against an attack from the Gluttonous Varou. Maybe they knew something about their connection to the Dark One?

Undertake A Journey (7, 2 / 1+3) Weak Hit. I reach a way point and mark progress but get -1 supply. Now down to 4.

Traveling through the wide plains had a problem though, as always good thing has a flip side. It made me an easy target for lurking bandits. A group of them attacked, although brandishing my sword made it easy for me to make them run, they still managed to get a bit of my supply.

Soon after some more walking I decided to get a place to rest. It was still bright noon so I didn’t bother making a camp and decided to just let my legs sleep for a while. I trekked some more to reach a wall, looked like the remains of a building and decided to stay over there for a while. Although…what is a lone wall doing out here in the wilderness, sure it could be the remains of a settlement, it still felt out of place.

I decided to not give it too much thought. After a short stretch, I was back on my feet hiking forward. The plains were starting to assimilate into a sparse forest-like region. There was still grass of course, but they were more shorter and more trees were starting to appear here and there.

Undertake a journey (10, 7 / 1+3) Miss, I am waylaid by a perilous event, nothing in the Pay the Price table fits so I decided an encounter with a foe is best.

Maybe I should have rested for a bit longer, it has only been a short while as my legs began screaming in agony again. I was in a much more forest-like region. More trees, and lots of shade which gave me some relief from the walk. As I was thinking of resting again, I hear a roar behind me. I turn to see a lion, worse a cave lion. Tough strong beasts roaming around in the wilderness. This one looked male and was probably a male searching for food.

I didn’t feel like killing it and I was tired already, I wanted to end this quick, either knocking him out or letting him run.

Enter the Fray Heart (5, 9 / 5+2) Weak Hit. I take initiative.

I immediately pull out my sword, its hilt pointing at the beast that was getting in a position to leap.

Strike Iron (5, 7 / 6) Weak hit. Burning momentum, I need to get this over with quick. So that becomes a strong hit. Including my sword master asset I inflict a total of 4 harm (subtracting one for no lethality)

I strike with speed, rushing forward and slamming the hilt into its head, the beast collapses forward nearly crushing me. I had landed a good hit but it clearly wasn’t enough as it was already crawling back to its feet. It definitely was in bad shape. My sword training with Kyra had showed its face.

Strike Iron (9, 1 / 9) Weak hit. I inflict 2 harm and lose initiative.

I get prepared for another slam into its skull, when the lion immediately rears up lifting me off my feet. I get back up again, but it’s already ready for me clashing into me.

Clash Iron (5, 1 / 9) Strong hit. Inflict 2 harm and I take initiative. I’ll take the +1 momentum and try to end the fight.

This isn’t my first time fighting a beast. It went with a direct clash, I knew what to do. I turned my sword, hilt facing it and slammed it into its stomach. It fell back down panting, and…

End the fight (2, 5 / 9) Strong hit.

Another slam into its head was enough. The lion slumped down, thankfully I hadn’t killed it. But, this fight took some more energy. I knew I couldn’t go on without rest. It was getting dark, I decided to move ahead and then make camp…