
Redcrest -10

“’re going to Redcrest?”, Rayla asked. “Yes, it was the closest settlement from where I was previously and also the most likely to accept my proposal. We should be getting there soon, it was in this direction and it isn’t that far.” “That’s good, I wanna stop somewhere, where better to stop than our destination, eh?”

“Wait, Rayla. You being a Varou and all. How do you think they’d treat you?” “I don’t know and that is something I’m afraid of, hopefully they won’t check too much, and I will be staying in my human form most of the time, so it’s unlikely they’ll notice.” I was still a bit worried, but figured she knew what she was doing and continued on.

Soon enough we see the tips of towers and a sign titled, “Redcrest” At least now I see why it’s called that. The area around it is rich with red and yellow soil, and plateaus tower behind the town. I stared with awe. It was magnificent. Many of the buildings in the area were made with a red sandstone, carved beautifully. A stark contrast from Owl’s keep, even if we hadn’t moved that far.

But outer beauty is one thing, the people…well let’s see how they are. We moved on towards the town, and entering through the gates (strangely no guards) immediately we could notice the sour faces of the people within. Many having slightly greenish faces, some with ugly warts and some that just look like they’re having a rough time. I decide to ask one of them about why everyone seemed down. “A disease, it’s spread everywhere.” He says, immediately covering his nose, when he sees me come close. Rayla pulls out a handkerchief of sorts (more like a rag really) and covers her mouth and face. “Get out, before you get it too.” Now I wasn’t about to leave so soon. I couldn’t go back to Owl’s keep empty-handed, I might not even go back, but still to see where to go next, I needed the help of this town.

I could feel it coming, an urge to stop this illness, but I didn’t want to be rash. I didn’t know anything about what was going on, or anything about the illness itself…

End of Chapter Two – Leave from the Owl’s Keep

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