
The Cavern – 08

It’s been…what, nine days? It’s hard to keep track of time, when you can barely see your hands. The only times light has hit my face is when Radka comes here. It’s either him or one of the other talking varou, Rayla. For all I know, it could have two weeks since I’ve been here, or even just a few days.

Rayla is Radka’s sister. She seems much more fiercer than her sibling, but is eerily nice to me. I can hear her rip out her vocal chords at Radka, while talking with me as if I’m a close friend. I am suspicious of her, but at least it’s welcome. Her sweet-talking is a much better sound than Radka’s screeches.

I’ve been trying to track the warden’s schedules, trying to find a way to escape. Rayla and Radka alternate their check-ins on me. And they come around once every two days, if my time-keeping is correct. Which means I’m sure to have an entire day completely alone, to do…something. I guess that’s what I have to figure out. I’ve been trying to pull at the Dark iron chains, they don’t budge but hopefully they weaken. Since Rayla seems nicer and less…sadistic, I’ve tried to talk to her a lot too, unless she’s trying to give me a false sense of hope and safety, she could be wanting to free me. Why? I do not know.

The next day…

Rayla’s here. She brings me more food than Radka, which is much appreciated. She says, “Hey, wake up now, it’s food time.” She drops the plate on to the floor, and I eat with my mouth, not being able to use my hands, with them chained. I felt like asking why she was so nice to me. It sounded stupid in my head, but I’m a prisoner, what could be worse. “Hey Rayla, why do you give me extra food?” “No reason, figured it’d be good for you.” “Yeah but aren’t I a prisoner? Why would you care?” “You’re human aren’t you? That’s why.”

I was confused by this, so decided to just continue eating in silence…maybe she does want to help me. The odds surely point there…

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