
Redcrest – 07

After resting at the shade of Daveza for a few hours I decided to continue my journey. I didn’t need the rest, after all the journey to Redcrest would be short, I don’t need to sleep during the nights and can manage to get there in one stretch. Redcrest worried me slightly, primarily because I didn’t know anything about it. But, hey, we travel to learn and experience.

Undertake a Journey (4, 6 / 4) Miss. Dammit. Have to Pay the Price.

Darkness….my head hurts. My eyes feel groggy as I slowly open them and look around. I seem to be in some sort of a cage. Smell of waste, decay and filth fills my nose. I feel like I’m underground. I try to move my arms and legs to no avail. They’re chained to the floor. Dark Iron. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else around. Turning my head sharpens the pain in the back of my skull. I crumble on to the floor. What the hell is going on? There’s such a low amount of light. Pulling at the chains is useless. I don’t have my sword or anything that I held before.

…Footsteps. They grow louder to my right, I can barely move my head but I have to see. A burly man. He wears dark clothes. I can’t see much else with the pure lack of light. “Ah, I see you’re awake!”, I strain my head upto him and try to make out his face, to no avail. “What the hell is this place?”, the man laughs, “A simple cage to hold wild animals. Probably should introduce myself. I am Radka.” A slurp. The sound made me shiver. The man seemed too tall to be…human. A giant? No, can’t be. What is he? He speaks, “No need to worry, we won’t kill you yet. I just wanted to check on you. I heard you wiped out one of our outposts. You look too weak to do that, but I won’t underestimate you.”

Wiping out an outpost…what did he mean? Unless, he’s a Varou. But that can’t be. Varou are almost incapable of human speech. They are brutish animals. How is he…? “You are a Varou, worse, a Gluttonous one?” He smirks, “Perceptive aren’t you? Yes. I’m sorry to keep you here, but I’m afraid we aren’t ready to kill you. So you’ll have to lay here for now. I’m sure you will enjoy it.” He walks away, laughing as he goes.

I can’t die here, but I feel helpless. I don’t know what I could do. There is nothing, the chains are made of dark iron. Dark Iron. It’s almost unbreakable. And this suffocating darkness. It makes me dizzy. That guy, Radka, doesn’t seem like the negotiating type. Please, God, if you exist, I don’t want to die here…

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