
Owl’s Keep – 05

It’s time. A petty vow, made just for popularity, but it’s a vow nonetheless. Best keep it. I had gathered everything. As I thought there were no runic chalk here in the Owl’s Keep, so I had to make do with fuel, and spark rocks. My job was simple, get to the location, either try to pinpoint the location of the nest or just set fire to the general surroundings, and extinguish the flames if they get too ruly. Had some water for that carried by my trusty companion…Bob. Well, not too trusty, just one of the farmers who were “brave” enough to venture out with me.

I make my way to the site. Same as last time, but with the pile of charred rat corpses still lying in the moonlight. I told Bob to set down the water and help with placing the fuel around the place.

Counting this as a Scene Challenge (troublesome). Starting off with a Secure an Advantage to find the location of the nest. (2, 6 / 5) Weak hit. Advantage is short-lived. +1 Momentum

We spend a few minutes searching, and find a mound of dirt with a hole, marking the location of the nest. Unfortunately, it was close to the woods, meaning we’d have to be very careful with the fire to avoid burning down the whole forest. Time to apply the oil…

Face Danger (2, 9 / 4) Weak hit. -1 Supply. Minor setback, marking progress on challenge and marking countdown.

Aaaand we ran out of oil. We only had enough to cover a minor radius around the nest, meaning some of them might be able to escape, which would lead to a fight. Which I wasn’t looking forward to… I guess there isn’t much we can do. We get in our positions and prepare to set fire to the oil.

Face Danger (1, 6 / 10) STRONG HIT. Perfect. Marking progress on challenge. Considering it’s a strong hit, I’ll say none of the rats could escape and the nest was finished. Resolving scene (1, 5 / 6) Another strong hit. The job is done. Marking progress on vow.

It’s done. We even managed to put out the fire before it killed the forest. With a much better spirit, we returned back to Owl’s Keep. The townspeople were ecstatic. Honestly, a bit too happy, if you ask me. But I didn’t care, I had made an ally.

Fulfilling Vow (1, 5 / 8) Strong hit. Marking 2 experience. Upto four now.

The next day was great. I didn’t have to pay the rent, the inn let me have two free nights for stopping the menace. Considering I didn’t have much to do and was planning to leave tomorrow, I didn’t mind too much. I spent the rest of the day training. My sword fighting could take more work.

Advancing, spending two experience to upgrade my swordmaster asset.

To tomorrow, for now. Owl’s keep was nice, and I’ve made an ally. Wonder where I’ll go next… and wonder if they’ll be friends or enemies.

End of Chapter One – Owl’s Keep

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