
Owl’s Keep – 04

I slept through the night in the evening. I was exhausted. I woke up the next day at noon! Groaning, I dragged my poor stretched body out of the bed. Today was going to be a busy day.

I had lunch in the Inn’s diner and went to the market to refill on supplies (+2 supply). I went back home and spent some time carving in new runes into my sword. This sword was my most treasured possession, swords are a rarity here and this was gifted to me by Kyra, my trainer. She had taught me how to draw runes on the blade to strengthen them, although I was never good with magic. I managed to craft in a half-decent fire rune by evening.

A knock on the door and a shout from a guard called me over to the head tower. I was excited, this was potential information about the Varou. I was greeted by Kimura and was made to sit down. I wasn’t escorted by guards this time, which was probably a good sign. “I have checked with my diary and the records made by our soldiers. When they had attacked, we had found a letter in the leader’s possession. The leader of the Varou, that is. The letter stated the need of the Dark One for more followers. You might now know this, but the Dark Serpent gains power from cultists and mislead souls that worship him. Either the amount has decreased or the Dark One is getting greedy but the Varou are helping gain more followers. This is why they have been attacking settlements. As far as I know the Varou are the only supplier of cultists the Dark One has. Now, I have some personal advice. From what I know of you, you seek vengeance upon the Dark One. You won’t be able to do that alone. Considering to stop him, you’ll need to destroy the Varou and the Dark One? Yeah, you will be dead before you can even look at the Serpent’s Power. You’ll need to gather help from villages and towns. For now, you have Owl’s Keep’s support but not the Owl’s Keep’s people’s support. I suggest that as a good first step…”

I took some time to process this information. Of course, I knew I couldn’t defeat the Dark One alone, but I never really thought about it. I needed to gather up support from various settlements. This was going to be tough. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but you seem like a strong and respectable man, why do you choose to lead such a small town.” Kimura looks away, sighing he says, “It’s a long story Avenger of Summersong. Maybe one day, I will tell you.” I was slightly caught off guard by the title with which he had just called me. Avenger of Summersong. I’m not complaining.

Getting out of the Head tower filled me with a new confidence. I had a plan, albeit one with many holes, but a plan nonetheless. I need to find support, stop the Varou, stop the Dark One’s followers to weaken him and then do the deed. A chill ran through my spine.

But, first Owl’s Keep. My vow to stop the rat infestation was the best way I could see to garner people’s support. The people here seemed really distraught about this issue. As I think this through, I hear shouting. The man I had talked to yesterday was running upto me, screaming about rats. I rushed to the scene. The rats had already eaten an entire hay bale, and were now leaving a barn. I decided to follow them. I kept discreet, seeking to find their nest, and burn it when I get the chance.

Secure an advantage (3, 6 / 6) My advantage is short lived, maybe the rat pack was slowing down, showing signs that they were nearing their nest, when I stepped on a twig. Attack. Counting this as progress on my vow, since I know the general location of their nest.

As I follow them through the plains surrounding Owl’s Keep, their travel seemed to slow down. It seemed like a sign that they were nearing the nest. The triumph distracted me and I accidentally stepped on a twig left on the ground. I looked up and saw the rats all turn their heads towards me. Great.

Enter the Fray Dangerous (7, 9 / 5) Miss, they have initiative. Paying the price, I say I get surrounded by them and get attacked. Enduring 1 harm. (3, 4 / 8) Strong hit. +1 momentum

They immediately swarm around me before I have a chance to react, and they begin biting me, Pain strikes my leg and I kick them off and stand back. I figured the best thing to do for me is to try and bring them together and incinerate them. (Thank god I remembered to draw those fire runes.)

Secure an Advantage (5, 6 / 7) Strong hit. I have initiative and I will strike with a +1. I activate the runes I had carved in the morning. Strike (3, 4 / 9) Strong hit. Inflicting 3 harm. I retain initiative.

I whip my blade out around the rats and walk backwards to draw them together, when I got the chance I activated the runes. The chalk markings on the blade glow with an intense orange light as the blade gets enveloped with bright hot flames. I strike hard on the rats, flames envelop them, and they never had a chance.

Ending the Fight (3, 10 / 6) Weak hit. I lose the runes, because of just bad luck. My bad runesmanship caused them to decay faster than usual. Curses. Marking progress on vow.

My triumph cuts short as I hear a crack and the white chalk markings melt away. Dammit. That was my last bit of runic chalk. I won’t be able to get more in Owl’s Keep. It’s going to be some time before I can do my fire trick again…

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