
Owl’s Keep – 03

Have just reached and I am already called upon by the authorities. On my way to what they call the head tower, home to the elder of the village, Kimura.

The tower is clearly more polished than the other buildings nearby, banners with the insignia of an Owl hangs over the four cardinal walls. For a small town, they show sovereignty. Entering in I am asked to go up a spiral stairway escorted by two guards holding spears. At the top, I reach a large circular room, in the center sits a man cross-legged on a pillow. He is old but strong, maybe around 50-60 years old, and he gazes at me as I enter.

I sit down on the floor next to him. He says, “So what brings you here to Owl’s Keep?” His voice is soft but stern, a very respectable figure. I reply, “I am merely seeking information about the Gluttonous Varou” My voice seemed a small insect next to him. Something in the back of my brain wondered on how such a respectable figure only leads a small town like Owl’s Keep? Personal likes? A Political problem? Before I could think more, he questions me. “And why?” I had prepared for this, as I’ve said, the Dark One and the Gluttons are not subjects of open discussion.

I cleared my throat and went on, “Before I answer, I need to know, you have defended yourself against them successfully once right?” “Correct.” I asked him if he had seen a symbol, an emblem or an insignia of sorts. “I have, but why should I disclose that?” “I can only disclose my reasons of visit, if you please tell me this.”

Compel (1, 10 / 5). Weak hit. Don’t see what they could ask for me right now, so went for an Action and a Theme from the Oracle…Begin Poverty. Maybe he asks if I had utterly punished the Varou?

“Before I tell you, ” he says, “tell me this, have you ever fought the Varou?” I nod. “And did you punish them for it?” I nod, more confidently now, remembering what I did when I destroyed their camp. He seems convinced sit back and says, “I saw an ouroboros, representing the eternal destruction by the Dark One.” I was happy, maybe they knew something, I say, “That is why I am here. I represent the town of Summersong, ravaged by the Dark One. Upon hearing a potential connection between the Gluttons and the Dark One, I came here to seek information.” He replies, “I see, I haven’t heard of any Summersong, but your words seem true enough. For now, stay and rest, you have come a long way. We will bring information to you later.”

I am reluctant to stay here, but I was weary and decide its best if I stay here. But, I didn’t want to just stay around I could try helping the people here?…

Sojourn (2, 9 / 4) Weak hit. I choose to Provide Aid, to the people of Owl’s Keep. Asking the Oracle for a settlement trouble. Vermin Infestation. (can add +1 to swearing an iron vow)

Asking around, I hear there have been troubles of rat infestations around the buildings near the outskirts of the town. Usually not a problem but these are marsh rats, probably coming from a nearby swamp. In packs these violent creatures could kill a horse and finish it in an hour. I figured I might need to increase my renown here, in case that affects the amount of information Kimura gives me. I decide to swear…I might regret this.

Swearing an Iron Vow (7, 7 / 6) Great, off to a great start. -2 momentum – 2 -> 0.

Just as I’m done swearing I hear a villager saying, “But, there isn’t a swamp anywhere nearby!” And I stumbled. This was impossible, marsh rats come from swamps, if there isn’t a swamp, where the hell is it coming from. I turn around ask if he’s sure and the nod said it all. But I can’t forsake this vow, I’m trying to get the people’s confidence. Sighing, I shake my head, and tell them, “Fine, I’ll figure something out.”

“Well, if you need my help, I have to ask something from you. I need you to alert me when you see a pack of marsh rats.” They nod, they seem to view this as a genuine problem, I wonder why Kimura hasn’t done anything about it. He probably has his hands full.

What I need to do now is, wait for the information from Kimura, either find a swamp (unlikely) or wait for a pack of rats to pop up and maybe follow them to their nest and destroy it. Hopefully, that will be enough. I decide to call it a day and go to a nearby inn and fall asleep.

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