
Owl’s Keep – 02

After that brief encounter, my energy had diminished greatly. I decided to do another burst of walking before making camp for the night. Hopefully, I could find a good place to rest. With some water too hopefully.

Undertake a Journey (3, 1 / 6) Strong hit. Marking Progress. Stopping near a stream. Making Camp.

Make Camp (1, 10 / 9) Weak hit. As always. Choosing to Prepare allowing me to add 1 when Undertaking a Journey.

After about an hour of walking I spot towards the north a bubbling stream flowing through the forest. I was overjoyed, after being stolen from by bandits and having to fight a cave lion, this was a welcome surprise! I immediately gathered down, rested, and prepared my next paths. If what I had heard was right, then I’m very close to Owl’s Keep, a bit more walking and I could reach there soon, but for now…sleep.

I had a peaceful sleep, no nightmares of any sort. Lately since the Varou battle I had been having nightmares of hordes of Varou tearing through Summersong. My home being torn down broke me. Thankfully whatever magic this Stream had, it calmed me.

Undertake A Journey (5, 10 / 7) Weak hit. Marking Progress, -1 supply. I’m gonna say I reach my destination. 9 Progress boxes marked.

Reach your Destination (3, 3 / 9) Strong hit! Great! Off to a good start once I’ve reached Owl’s Keep. I’m saying this means they know at least something about the connection between the Varou and the Dark One. Choosing to Gather Information at a +1.

After waking up, my mind screamed at the thought of more walking. I remembered when leaving my makeshift shelter back away at my torn down home, I had thought I would like the idea of traveling, but really anything related to walking sounded terrible to me.

But my hard work thankfully payed off (I hope), Soon, I saw the tips of homes and a small town poked out of the horizon. The arch titled “Owl’s Keep” welcomed me. I had finally reached. Now, to business. I didn’t come here to enjoy, sure the travel was rough, but I need to gather information, that’s what I’m here for.

Gather Information (9, 10 / 6) Miss. Damn! Even with that +1. I’m going to say my investigations arouse suspicion, and I’m called upon by the authorities. This is rough. But I’ll say Cera isn’t sent down yet, for now he thinks it’s right for them to feel suspicious, hope this doesn’t go south. Either way, reaching Owl’s Keep sounds like a good enough milestone, marking progress on my vow to find out about the connection between the Varou and the Dark Serpent.

Rough times, I have just arrived and my spontaneous and frenzied questioning drew me into trouble with the town. Although, honestly it’s right for them to feel suspicious, people don’t really like talking about the Dark One, especially this open. But I’m sure they’ll be on my side…

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