
Owl’s Keep – 01

The plains looked peaceful. Soft, lush grass spread indefinitely throughout the land. I had been traveling to Owl’s keep for a day now, and knew I was at least relatively close. The only reason I even want to go to a place this far away from my usual working area was because I had heard that they had recently fended off against an attack from the Gluttonous Varou. Maybe they knew something about their connection to the Dark One?

Undertake A Journey (7, 2 / 1+3) Weak Hit. I reach a way point and mark progress but get -1 supply. Now down to 4.

Traveling through the wide plains had a problem though, as always good thing has a flip side. It made me an easy target for lurking bandits. A group of them attacked, although brandishing my sword made it easy for me to make them run, they still managed to get a bit of my supply.

Soon after some more walking I decided to get a place to rest. It was still bright noon so I didn’t bother making a camp and decided to just let my legs sleep for a while. I trekked some more to reach a wall, looked like the remains of a building and decided to stay over there for a while. Although…what is a lone wall doing out here in the wilderness, sure it could be the remains of a settlement, it still felt out of place.

I decided to not give it too much thought. After a short stretch, I was back on my feet hiking forward. The plains were starting to assimilate into a sparse forest-like region. There was still grass of course, but they were more shorter and more trees were starting to appear here and there.

Undertake a journey (10, 7 / 1+3) Miss, I am waylaid by a perilous event, nothing in the Pay the Price table fits so I decided an encounter with a foe is best.

Maybe I should have rested for a bit longer, it has only been a short while as my legs began screaming in agony again. I was in a much more forest-like region. More trees, and lots of shade which gave me some relief from the walk. As I was thinking of resting again, I hear a roar behind me. I turn to see a lion, worse a cave lion. Tough strong beasts roaming around in the wilderness. This one looked male and was probably a male searching for food.

I didn’t feel like killing it and I was tired already, I wanted to end this quick, either knocking him out or letting him run.

Enter the Fray Heart (5, 9 / 5+2) Weak Hit. I take initiative.

I immediately pull out my sword, its hilt pointing at the beast that was getting in a position to leap.

Strike Iron (5, 7 / 6) Weak hit. Burning momentum, I need to get this over with quick. So that becomes a strong hit. Including my sword master asset I inflict a total of 4 harm (subtracting one for no lethality)

I strike with speed, rushing forward and slamming the hilt into its head, the beast collapses forward nearly crushing me. I had landed a good hit but it clearly wasn’t enough as it was already crawling back to its feet. It definitely was in bad shape. My sword training with Kyra had showed its face.

Strike Iron (9, 1 / 9) Weak hit. I inflict 2 harm and lose initiative.

I get prepared for another slam into its skull, when the lion immediately rears up lifting me off my feet. I get back up again, but it’s already ready for me clashing into me.

Clash Iron (5, 1 / 9) Strong hit. Inflict 2 harm and I take initiative. I’ll take the +1 momentum and try to end the fight.

This isn’t my first time fighting a beast. It went with a direct clash, I knew what to do. I turned my sword, hilt facing it and slammed it into its stomach. It fell back down panting, and…

End the fight (2, 5 / 9) Strong hit.

Another slam into its head was enough. The lion slumped down, thankfully I hadn’t killed it. But, this fight took some more energy. I knew I couldn’t go on without rest. It was getting dark, I decided to move ahead and then make camp…

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